I just realized my blog is not generating enough traffic. For this particular blog, it is my own particular experience and feelings, so it doesn't really matter if no one reads it....but I guess I'll have to make a new blog for making money stuff. What to name it?
"Free Make Money Online Programs Reviews"
That should do it. For all I know, 99% of the programs are scams. And there are wonders of programs out there including:-
i) Paid Surveys
ii) Multi-Level Marketing (MLM)
iii) Read Emails
iv) Data Entry
v) Get Rich Quick Schemes [ Ebooks etc. ]
vi) Misc. Programs [ Other than those above or I do not know the category ]
Since I've received so many emails from other people stating that their programs are the best ways to make money, I'll review them, and maintain no-paying policies throughout. If they request payment, I'll just look over their sales pitch and try to see what makes them 'tick'. The only thing / program that I will not review are 'Forex' as I'm not a Pro myself. So, to anyone that cares about this, stay tuned!
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