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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Blues - 21st July

I'm not really too sure why and I can't really explain what I'm feeling today. It's just sort of a blues feeling that I'm having today. Kind of a bit way off course not like the usual me. Seeing other people achieving so much while I'm still here achieving nothing with the path laid before me makes me wonder whether is this the life that I'm supposed to trudge day after day until I'm covered with six feet of dirt?

Receiving emails of successful people makes me wonder if I can reach those points in my lifetime? Seeing pictures of relatives in foreign countries makes me wonder whether can I reach those places in my lifetime. Seeing people having each other's soul mate makes me wonder whether will I be able to feel it in my lifetime? Seeing other people so happy makes me wonder if my presence is felt in anyone's life? I wonder what is my purpose in this life. It feels just so empty....

Perhaps today I'm so depressed.
Perhaps that life never said that it will be fair.


Anonymous said... thinking in NEGATIVE way. Anything just try to FEEL that, you are special. Perhaps it is time for u to really make it an effort to start-off with a strong religious foundation in ur life. Whatever ur "negative" point is...most probably u din't value it from they way GOD see it. hard words for you, PLS la LEONG. You already in the mid-20s already. Don't always think in negative point for you to think like tat. Apart from that, try to CHANGE and DO WHAT you want accordingly.


Jangan berputus asa terhadap HIDUP. Agak KECEWA untuk melihat kamu seolah-olah sudah putus asa terhadap hidup, yang diterjemahkan oleh kamu sebagai - THE BLUES.

Again...don't use "THE BLUES" name to describe your so call "in-complete" life. THE BLUES is match and all means for CHELSEA...fighting till the end. Don't ever insult the words THE BLUES with your negative thinking.

Ultima said...

Everybody has their fair share of ups and downs in life and in fact, you do too and I don't want to write about that in my blog. Your condition at that time is particularly similar too...and it's my turn, but it's really "comforting" to hear you say all this....

Anonymous said...

Haha i had try to be very moderate and "comforting" the way,ur "comforting" this word, really seem to have a lot of ISI TERSIRAT & TERSURAT. more open lah. When it comes for you to make decission, be more RELAX la..

Afterall, there is no point for u to compare what others ppl have with what u have. You should know better what and where is ur strong ability is.

Like..u can guide ppl through urblog on how to do web-design thing, u also write a much more better ENGLISH compare to me...apart from that, in 2 years time, u is MASTER graduate...and i'm just DEGREE holder. Perhaps, in another 8 years time, i shall address u as DR. LEONG.

Like me...of course, i hope to become a PM (Project Manager, NOT Prime Minister mind you...) before age of 30. Can achieve it or's all depend on how we want to create our next path, day after day.

Believe me, everybody will become SOMEONE or SOMEBODY in future. Cos, GOD created us with REASON. Everyone is UNIQUE.