Recently, my friend posted a blog on which is more important: BM or English for Maths and Science and I gave a long winded explanation in which according to him should be put as my own blog post. And here is the combination of the comments with edited parts to suit as a blog post:-
Students from the Maths and Science in BM era can understand the terms used for learning in BM and graduate perfectly later in Uni doubt. Yes, we must be able to speak in BM and also English. It is perhaps the wrong move by the ruling party to abruptly start this program without proper consultation with the ‘rakyat’. And therefore, when this program becomes a failure, it would be the main issue to be raised when other parties start questioning again on Science and Maths in English again in the future. (Sounds like the ruling party did a fine job of making ‘mice following the sounds of the flute’)
Anyways, by effectively and without considering the opinion of the rakyat on how it should be implemented, and the program receives a go ahead, no more arguments in the future. A really good move on the chess board from the main ruling.
Pedalaman people? Pekan? Do you seriously think that none of them will be able to score if it’s in English? It does not mean that just because they speak BM, they can already do well in exams of Science and Math when it's thought in BM. That’s plain on-the-spot thinking which wasn’t thoroughly given thought into. In fact, by teaching Maths and Science in English, it’s preparing them to face the actual world and helping them to improve their lifestyle. English knowledge = Internet, Worldwide knowledge etc. So, is it still considered to be a bane or boon? Consider this: Teachers can't speak very well English? Another silly excuse for not implementing it. Might as well you call it laziness and no effort to attempt to learn new things?
The main point is, it shouldn’t be abolished but in fact it should be slowly implemented. Maths and Science in English will not hinder the fact that we’re Malaysians or neither that our national language is BM. It just points out that our country is progressing.
There is in fact a prejudice against people living in KL or any big city, again I would like to point out to you that even in big cities, that does not mean that everyone has a fair chance of accessing all the ‘KEMUDAHAN’ that you assumed all of us get. Don’t be telling me just because I’m living in the big city that it must mean that all of us are exposed to technology and facilities? Hardcore poor people still exists in the big city and even with ‘ALL’ the ‘FACILITIES’ you mentioned does not mean that they can gain access to them.
By living in the city, many implied that we do not know the hardships of people living in PEDALAMAN area. Let me ask you back the same question: Do you know any better? Really? For once, did you ever give thought to the fact that people living in the PEDALAMAN area has a higher chance of moving back to where they came from after moving to the big city for a so-called better life after seeing all the tension / rush / usage of money in the big city? It is perhaps of the habits of humankind where they will always want more of what they cannot have. Hardship and facilities is such an subjective word. If there’s a want, there’s a way.
I did not also mention that that BI should be implemented immediately but it should more gradually rather than the immediate action by the current program schedule. BUT it shouldn’t be ABOLISHED. It is now a fact that the program will no longer be debated in the Parliament as it was ABOLISHED. ABOLISHED = scraped and forgotten. In other words, English = Locked. Forever the country will lack the acknowledgment that English is still the current mainstream language for current worldwide knowledge. Even China is embracing itself to the current flow of the world and start to open itself to English.
I do not understand why a number of people are defending the point that everyone in Malaysia should be able to speak in BM? No one’s arguing that at all? For that matter, why the discrimination on people who can’t speak BM? Taking your point, as you mention, people who live in the PEDALAMAN also includes Chinese and Indians. Again, from your point of view, where are the facilities? So, where are the facilities for these poeple sometimes on speaking BM? All they know, they should pass the BM exam in SPM, PMR and UPSR for all that matter. The Younger generation no matter what is still able to speak BM. As a multi-racial country, it would be fair for the major citizens to also be able to speak other languages, hence be able to destroy the racial divide. BM as a national language is not a problem, but as we are the minorities, there CAN BE NO objections no matter what the circumstances are or the ’securities’ are on your heels. Who determines who is the Main major citizens in a country? Us. Who decides the laws? Us. It is the drive to have complete power over the minorities that drive us to have the urge to place all in our favor. Speaking of which, after 13th May, the minorities practically have no say over nothing. Even the lost forgotten ‘agreement’ between the races that the PM should change race after every 5 years is totally wiped out and washed resulting in ultra-nationalists.
The socio-culture should be the concrete reason why we shouldn’t be just using BM. The delicate fine-line that dictates whether a citizen is Chinese, Indian or Malay should be the main point. All races should be treated with equal fair share of the system not where one side is given extra favor. The minorities when questioning on the extras gets an answer like: ‘You’re foreigners, go back to your country’ or ‘We can fend ourselves’. While when the non-minorities question our share of the system, there isn’t much reaction and considered normal reaction? Now, languages is a part of culture. It is to us to embrace it not forced onto another. That’s more like an iron-grip ruling.
I’m tired of thinking how the minorities are side-lined while a lot of parties are in fact ignoring the fact that humans have the right to practice what they want to. Too much of either side isn’t a good thing either. Too much of either side isn’t good for the socio-culture of the country either…
I really would like to hear the opinions from people out there on this issue.
english is better...i hate it always change..
Me too, I like English better although I was from the Maths and Science in BM era...see my brother's text book looks so much more interesting than in BM...
Like i always say, only when u really step into PEDALAMAN or PEKAN, then u'll know what i mean. Study in BM ady a "hardcore" for them, if BI...can u imagine it? Don't just point out that BI is everything, i also did not deny the fact fact that BI is worldwide language. But, as i always mention, those who live and grow up in BIG city definitely won't understand the fact that how difficult it was for those who live and grow up in PEDALAMAN. Kemudahan? TAK PAYAH ceritalah. Only when u really step into PEDALAMAN, then u'll know what is actual definition of KEMUDAHAN for ppl living there.
No point of "arguement" since, someone keep insisting and putting the BLAME that we don't have iniative to LEARN. Make it simple la, if u were to be ask to study SCIENCE AND MATHS in CHINESE...then how would u feel? Answer me if u are the one who rarely speak and write in CHINESE. Why not? Most of the basic term and foundation in science and maths also originally come from CHINA. And, CHINESE (MANDARIN) is the most spoken LANGUAGE in the WORLD (mind's NOT ENGLISH afterall).
I'm OK with all your comments. JUST DON'T THINK IN SO NAIVE ONE.
Again I would like to stress that: This is my comments taken from your blog at your post which you agree to let me put at my blog in which you are 'OK' with.
So far, I've been nicely talking to you but due to your arrogance, ignorance, naivety and your choice of words, there is not much left to be discussed and instead has turned into more of 'fight of who's more presistant than the other'.
You are the one who don't understand that the so-called 'kemudahan' in the big city is not that everyone can get. Why are there squatters? You seem to assume that everyone can get the 'kemudahan', but that's not the fact, there are also hardcore poor or people living below the line and what are the difference between these guys and the PEDALAMAN people that you think are the people that will not be able to get 'kemudahan'. You're in fact blinded by the prejudice that all city people are well-off. Kindly get your facts straight before defending your issue.
The fact is that you're only arguing about one point: the sake PEDALAMAN PEOPLE. I'm 'discussing' about the abolishing part. I would also like to point out that your words:- "Like I said.." shows that the insisting part was generally pointed at your own self. The points were fairly repetitive and insist and maintain the same point over a couple of times. Which yes, there is no point 'arguing' already since you won't budge or compromise. Do you seriously think all city people speak English a lot? Is Ipoh a big city? Yes? How come one of my colleagues at my old company can't speak much English? Explain?
You want me learn Maths and Science in CHINESE? SURE THING! I accept the challenge although I know I rarely speak or write Chinese. In fact we've been doing a similar thing for 4 years in Uni, learning things that we've no idea of. In fact, I learn most things in English, but I can do fairly as well in BM. Why? I do not bind myself to the fact that things are always changing, in which sometimes we might have to switch over to the other.
Yes, I agree that even studying is already hardcore for the PEDALAMAN people but the 'initiative' part is on the teachers not the students mind you. It is the quality of our teachers and our exam-orientated syllabus that has caused this too happen. Education is no longer about learning but it is more about how many A's did you score in UPSR, PMR, SPM or STPM. Again there is no more point to actually learn something or learn new things out of curiosity. The fact is that, whether it's in BM or English, it is all goverened by the compulsary exams that we've to take.
Given your comments these days, I'm quite surprised that your choice of words have deteriorated which leaves me the impression that you're so desperate to have upper hand. Ok, I'll let you have it. I'm bored with this discussion anyways. What ever you say friend. Anyways, I also felt that there's a hint of hatred in your comments. So, ok, I'm backing off, have your way. You won't see anymore comments from me in your blog.
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