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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

MW2 Multiplayer - 17th Nov

Yesterday I had my first shot at Modern Warfare 2 Multi-player. Public games were working while the private Matches were not, and it confirmed a lot of my theories on the servers having a lot of issues that makes the experience a lot less fun compared to Modern Warfare. Among them:-
  •  You can't kick players
During matches, there are bound to be hackers / cheaters or players who are downright annoying with their tubing or grenadier tendencies and there are also players who actually camp tonnes of time. Well, I don't actually mind the camping issue and all as it is part of the game but irritable players are the main concern here. Some players, from their kill cams, you can see clearly that they're cheating / hacking but there doesn't seem to be anything done on them, which means that the VAC fails and Steam actually fails. Infinity Ward says that the system will work, but this proves that it doesn't.
  • Matchmaking
Infinity Ward also mentioned that this system would match you up with players that have the same skill and relatively similar pings (which is about 100ms), but I'm not sure why that I'm experiencing lags like no other before. Furthermore, even that no player is known to be the host, but the relative advantage is still there. You see people slower than they do see you. Not only that, I was also wondering why lvl 40~50 guys are also playing in the same game and the thing is that they're always on the same team / side (Team Deathmatch). Often the other team is paired with people with the same skills and therefore, usually got beaten by the team with higher lvl 40~50 player numbers? Is this the fair match-making provided by Infinity Ward? Total failure! This would have been solved if the dedicated server support was retained!

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