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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Get Rich Claim for Dummies - 9th June

Recently, I've been reading lots and lots of sales pitch pages and I was wondering why these people are letting go a golden opportunity to waste. First: they have their own website, their own domain (which some of them are really nice names) and they're using it for sales pitch pages? What and Why? They can use the domain name for so many other purpose to make money, such as an e-commerce store or a forum or even a blog but they're just selling just one product? What a waste...

Anyways, due to the sheer number of sales pitch sites, I've decided to say this: These are mostly scams! Yes, they do send you the e-book when you pay them but what I'm saying is that the contents are scams. No doubt that buying your first informative e-book is a nice thing to do to learn something, but the second and third will be a waste of your time as most of the contents and so called tips are in fact the same. Well, here's the summary of what I know so far:-


Claim ->
"You can earn thousands with only 2 hours a day in front of the computer without having any computer skills and anybody can do it!".

What? 2 hours a day? Anybody can do it without computer skills? Oh my, this is great! RELAX? NOT! Without computer skills, how would they understand what's happening on the screen? I can hear these people saying "Where's the 'Press Any' key on my keyboard? How would they check emails? Payments are done mostly online, how would they know if they have any money coming in if they don't even have an account? And 2 hours a day only? Won't everyone be rushing to do this instead of their boring 9-5 job since it promises to earn you so much?


Claim ->
"We have proof of the earnings! See chart below

I used to believe the charts too. They were in fact from 'Clickbank', an online place to sell internet stuff such as e-books, softwares / programs and services. Later, I found out that the charts were everywhere. Almost every sales pitch page I saw has one. How better to promote your product then using a earnings chart by Clickbank? SMART? NOT! Those charts have two possibilities:-
i> They're stock charts taken from other sites and claimed as theirs.
ii> The charts are real, but not the actual earnings from using the e-book tips but earnings from selling the e-book to other people who believed in them.


Claim -> Affiliate Marketing is the way to go! You do not need any of your own product to sell!

It sounds so simple, just promote other people's products and if you get sales, you get commissions and sometimes may reach up to 75% of the sale price. Imagine that, all you have to do is to attract people to your site, get them to buy what you're promoting, and there you go! SIMPLE? NOT! To get traffic, you have to do advertising. To do advertising, you need money. To get money, you have dig your own pocket or make sales. See the pattern? You will be stuck pretty fast and unless you're willing to shell out tonnes of cash, might as well you start your own business. Sometimes, for Affiliate Marketing, you're shelling out more money than those coming in which equals to loss. No own product to sell? Selling other people's stuff isn't that bad, but if the person you're representing sell stuff that are pretty useless and scamming, well, that may cost you your reputation and your future business prospects even if you make a new one.


Claim -> Imagine earning a million dollars! and here are the testimonial of people who have succeeded!

Imagine that! A million dollars! Wonder what I can do with a million dollars? Maybe a Lamborghini perhaps? Thats NICE? NOT! Again, the argument here is that why wouldn't anyone else follow suit and get a million dollars in no time? Wouldn't that be so easy and the government would be so happy to have less poverty to deal with. The sales pitch even has pictures and testimonials of people who have made it big with the program / e-book secrets. Do you realize that sometimes you might say: Hey, I've seen that guy before somewhere but wasn't his name John or Joe but how come his name now is Peter? The culprit here is stock photos. They just pluck it from anywhere and paste it into their site and hey presto! Another person! And the cars and house? I've found plenty, try Google. Sometimes, they take pictures of themselves next to luxury or sports cars and claim that's theirs...yeah buddy whatever...they're just taking pictures of cars parked somewhere, and they even have paid the owner some cash to let them take pictures.


Well, I think I've written long enough. Hope anyone reading would not fall into scams. But anyways, although I do claim that mostly are scams, I do not deny that there are real opportunities out there that I may not have found out, but rare for sure. If any reader out there that comes across a sales pitch that do not use either of the claims above, let me know. For all I know: Nothing is free and there's no such thing as Easy Money or No Work gets you Money.

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