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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Century Egg - 17th Sept

I've actually longed to know how century egg is made and is it only until recently that I'm able to find this piece of information online. Old grandmother's stories is that century egg is made with mercury, which is the explanation for it's jelly like texture and it's dark black-brown color. It said that the duck egg is soaked in mercury for a few days which then the egg would absorb some of the mercury and thus preserving it. The thing is, mercury is poisonous, why would anyone eat poison directly? Well, I guess that's not true.

Century egg is produced in a couple of ways, either the modern or traditional way. In both ways, alkaline is introduced into the egg, by using natural ingredients such as wrapping clay around the egg traditionally or chemicals such as calcium hyroxide in teh modern form. Although this, I'm still not sure what causes for it to turn into the texture it is now. But well, at least I'm relieved that it is not made of mercury as previously assumed and there isn't much harm in consuming it. But, there's no point if it is consumed often as it would lose the appeal of it as a delicacy.


Shikin Hambali said...

Hello there! in malay we call century eggs, telur pindang. one thing's for sure, I ain't gonna eat em no matter what. but i have never heard the mercury story before, if i had heard it before, i'd be more afraid to eat it... hehhe

Ultima said...

Oh? Telur pindang? But I searched online and the 'telur pindang' looked more like the Chinese "Tea Eggs"? Process of making telur pindang same with century eggs?

Shikin Hambali said...

hehe im not too sure how to differ them though, last time I saw a green jelly-like egg, my mom was referring it to telur pindang. immediately my eyes almost popped out hahha ok fine that was an exaggeration. im no help here hehehe

Ultima said... least you've enlighten me the word 'telur pindang' which I didnt't know earlier / heard before earlier and that was a great help...thanks!

Raymond Leong said...

so now i can eat more of this since its not made of mecury....lalala~~~ happy siot....can eat mecury eggs hapily...(oops) not mecury eggs its century eggs

Ultima said...

Your head la...still cannot eat a lot's like rotten eggs only moderately la.