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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I'm tired of being Rick-rolled - 18th August

Anyone who is an avid visitor to Youtube would sure have been 'rick-rolled' and I'm extremely tired of it. ( For people who are unsure what being 'rick-rolled' means can refer HERE ). But anyways, I'm bored of that despicable act of the worst kind.

Typical scenario:- You go to Youtube, hoping to find some nice videos of topics that interests you and suddenly there is one with a great title on what you were looking for so long, especially when the title sounds like they have info that you were longing to see or know. You click the link and the video starts to load. After a few seconds of somewhat introducing the information you were looking for, it stops abruptly and it starts with a 80's video of a douchebag (forgive my profanities in this post, I' just too frustrated ) singing some 80's song. After being stunned for a couple of seconds, you start curing and hit the 'back' button on the instant. Imagine, after hours of searching for a video in something you wanted to know about, you're suddenly 'bombed' by this low-life douchebag singing some 'forget-it' song. It's not even frm the original creator, wouldn't that be a infringment of copyright? And does these people have too much time in their hands and they have nothing to do other than make these dumb videos? Serves them right if their lifes are miserable for causing other people's lifes to be miserable.

This is to the guy who started this stuff and to the people supporting him:- !@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*
As the saying goes, curse a person enough times, and it will come true. So, here goes: !@#$%^&*, !@#$%^&*, !@#$%^&*, !@#$%^&*, !@#$%^&*, !@#$%^&*.....

I would call it as a fraud, and Internet fraud where it should be punishable by cyber-laws in all countries of the world. Why fraud? It provides misleading information and the titles does not properly reflect the content that it is about to display. Which is why most porn sites have a disclaimer as the first page as it is punishable by-law if you do not warn the user of the content that will be shown, especially to minors. In this case, there were no proper warning that people are being tricked into clicking the links. Even Youtube do not provide such disclaimers which is a shame. For all I know, I'm starting here a petition to ban all 'rick-rolled' videos if no proper warning are issued beforehand. Negligence to obey would result in the computer used in uploading the fraud video to banned from accessing cyberspace and probably a jail term of more than 2 years for disrupting the harmony of cyberspace. Even virus programmers are jailed, why can't be these scumbags?

Anyone who would say 'yes' to the new cyberspace rule, leave a comment!
And if you can, leave a link which is a 'rick-roll' video so that other people can avoid them. And if you don't support the new rule, you can go rot for all eternity!

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