Recently a friend of mine placed a posting in his blog on police arrests and such cases where some police forces were exercising their power over common citizens where some cases were the citizen being wrongly arrested while some police accepted "coffee money". In terms of the "coffee money" acceptance, there was nothing that could be done besides to let the MACC to investigate on the claims but in terms of arrest, where sometimes, a police may stop you on the roadside, demanding that you follow him to the police station or he demands to see your identification card and such, there are a couple of rights granted to the common civilian in such cases. Below is the document that I found online at: and below is the direct quotations from the document written by Derek Chong Ching Hsiang.
The Red Book - Police and Your Basic Rights
By Derek Chong Ching Hsiang
Around April later year, the Bar Council has launched a book by the title “Police and Your Basic Rights” which was a noble action initiated by a group of lawyer known as TANGKAP (Tindakan Anti PenyalahGunaan Kuasa Polis).[1] The book is well known among the public as “The Red Book”. The main objective of this book is to educate the public generally about their rights when being confronted by police. This is because a mass majority of people do not know their basic rights and thus this leads too many problems.
The Red Book was officially launched on the 20th of April 2006 by Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Bin Abdul Aziz, the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department in charge of Law also with the ex-President of the Bar Council, Mr. Yeo Yang Poh.[2]
Each and every individual have certain rights guaranteed under our very Federal Constitution.[3] The police have powers to stop, arrest and search an individual under the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC)[4] but these powers are limited.
In this topic, I will discuss on the few essential and fundamental information of the Red Book where I will share my view on it. I will also discuss the changes that will be done on the incoming of the 2nd edition suited to the amendment of the CPC with interviews done.
1. When Police Stop You
If we observe paragraph 1 of the Red Book[5], a person has a right to ask a police officer who is not in uniform. You can ask the officer for his/her authority card. Bear in mind there are 4 types of authority card based on colour i.e.
Blue – Has the rank of inspector and above
Yellow – Has the rank below of inspector
White – Police reserve
Red – Suspended police officer
One must take note that a red authority card police officer has no right to do anything and therefore you can walk away. If the officer is wearing uniform, do take down his/her name and ID number on their uniform and also number plate of the vehicle used.
“When stopped, you should provide your identification card, if requested by police. If they are asking for other document or show any other items, you may ask the officer the reason of doing so politely. If you are not under arrest, you may walk away or refuse to follow the officer back to the police station or anywhere.”[6]
2. Police Question You When Stopped
When you are being stopped by police, only give your ID card, name and your address. If there are further questions by the police, you may ask them whether you are under arrest.[7] This is important to seek clarification. You are under arrest if the officer say “YES” or do not want you to leave or want to take you to the police station. If they handcuff you, it is a clear thing that you are being arrested. But if you are not being arrested, you may walk away and refuse to follow the officer anywhere.[8]
3. Questioning by police without arrest
In this paragraph deals section 112 of CPC also known as witness statement. The 112 statement is normally recorded if the police think a person have certain information or knowledge of a certain case or offence.[9] Usually the police will make an informal request for a person 112 statement. If everything suits your time and place, you may choose to corporate but if not, do tell the police you will do at a time and place convenient for you (if you still choose to corporate with them).[10] Do seek a lawyer to accompany you in this situation.
If you decided not to corporate with the police, then they police can issue a formal order in writing signed by an investigating officer (Police Order) to seek for your assistant. You will not be arrested even you disobey the order. Bear in mind, it is an offence and the police may request a magistrate to issue a warrant against you to compel you to cooperate.[11] In general, if you are merely a potential witness and not a suspect, you may not be arrested for the purposes of taking a 112 statement.[12]
When giving a 112 statement, you can choose to answer any question asked by the police or remain silent if the answers you are giving are likely to expose you to a criminal offence.[13] Therefore it is vital that you pay attention to every question the police is asking and be alert at all times. Seek lawyers help and make sure they are present during that time. Do note that a 112 statement may be used in court.[14]
There are few things that you may want to look into as preparation which is considered vital. Firstly, do bring a notebook or paper with you (Personal Notes). Secondly, do write down every question asked on the note. Take your time and ponder carefully before writing your answer down and read your answers to the police officer questioning you. Do keep your notes for future reference and do not throw it away.[15]
Upon signing the 112 statement, do read as many times the questions and answers written by the officer carefully. Compare them with the ones in your note. Do take note that you can make any corrections to the statement before singing. If there is a lawyer with you, seek for his assistant.[16][17] If you are satisfied with your statement, sign below the last sentence of your statement, at every page.[18]
4. Police Arrest You
The first thing when a police is arresting you is to ask the reason of this arrest unless it is notified by you. If not, the arrest is considered unlawful. Never ever resist an arrest. The police have the right to use force against you and this will lead to unwanted situation.
Once arrested, you then can ask to which police station that you will be taken and the arresting officer must inform you and take you to the nearest station.[19] Seek details on the police station.[20] Bear in mind, you have a right to make a phone call. It is advised that you call your family, friend or a lawyer or the Legal Aid Centre. Do give important info to the person you are calling and do not waste time.[21]
You may be detained up to 24 hours. Note the sequence of events and names of officers you come in contact with during this period.[22]
5. Your Rights After Arrest And During Detention[23]
You have rights after being arrested and during detention. Firstly you have a right to contact and meet with a lawyer. This is the most fundamental thing that you must insist. You are allowed to have a set of clothing in lock up. The police must record and put all of your belongings in safe custody and it must be returned to you as it is upon your release. You are allowed to take bath twice a day and take note that if you are sick, you have a right to seek medical help. You must be given proper food and water during detention reasonably.
As said earlier you can only be detained up to 24 hours. It is a duty of the police to complete their investigation within 24 hours and to release you as soon as possible. If this cannot be done, the police must bring you before a magistrate for a remand order to extend your detention which is known as “remand order”.
6. Remand order by a magistrate
The power to issue a Remand Order by a magistrate is found in section 117 of the CPC.[24][25] The purpose for this remand order is to give ample time for the police to complete their investigation and to decide whether there is evidence to charge a person for an offence. As you have the right of silence, the police cannot ask for a remand order only for the purpose of taking a statement from you.[26]
The police must give reason to the Magistrate on why that person needs to be detained for more than 24 hours. The Magistrate then has a duty to consider the reasons given by the police carefully. A person can be detained for maximum of 14 days or less.[27]
“You have the right to request for legal representation at the hearing. Ask the magistrate for it. If the police have denied you this right or threatened or assaulted or treated you inhumanely in any way during detention, inform the magistrate. Alternatively, you may ask to be released or for a shorter remand order to be made. Give your reasons. e.g. “I will cooperate with the police in their investigations”, “I will be available”. The magistrate’s duty is to consider carefully the reasons given by the police and your reasons why you should be released or for a shorter remand order.”[28]
The Magistrate then have a discretion whether to grant a Remand Order or make a Remand Order for a shorter period that asked by the police. Bear in mind that the police can make more than one application for a Remand Order.[29]
7. Body Search without Arrest
Assuming you are a party somewhere during the weekend where all of a sudden a group of police are conducting a raid or looking or unlawful stuff like drugs, the police may search your body or bags without arresting you. This must be done in the presence of a police officer who is an Inspector or of a higher rank.[30] Do pay attention to what is happening during that time.
“Do not allow the police to put their hands into your pockets or bags. Volunteer to empty your pockets or bags in their presence so that you are able to see all your belongings. Take out your belongings one by one. Each time, say “purse”, “keys”, “ID card” etc. When your pockets or bags are empty, turn your pockets or bags inside out.”[31]
Bear in mind, a female can only be search by a female officer. All body search be it female or male must be done with decency for example cannot touch your private part or any other part which is deemed uncomfortable. There is no law requiring you to be stripped naked for a search without arrest.[32]
8. Body Search Upon Arrest[33]
The police have the power to search your body for any object relating to a suspected offence. The search must be done in a private confined place and it is deemed to be your right. Even when arrested, there is no law allowing the police to force you to be stripped naked. Protest and thereafter lodge a report should you be forced to strip.[34]
9. Questioning By Police After Arrest
Do identify the officer’s name and rank who is questioning you. Be polite when being question. You can choose to remain silent which is your right. Bear in mind you are obliged to give personal particular. During questioning, the police will ask you questions and will write down that answer that you have given them. If you still choose to remain silent you can answer “I will answer in court”.[35]
Usually the police will want to seek more information from you by threatening or forcing you into making a written statement. Do stay calm and remain silent at that moment. The police have no right to threaten, bear or force you. If this happens, do lodge a report as soon as possible. You will not be denied of this right.[36]
If you remain to give a 113 statement, follow the procedure as being discuss before on the procedure in giving 112 statement.[37] Bear in mind 113 statement can be used against you in Court that you have admitted or confessed to the offence charges against you OR that you have admitted or confessed certain facts that tend to show you are guilty of the said offence.[38][39]
Amendments To The Red Book, The Way Forward
Recent amendments to the law through the CPC (Amendment) Act 2006 and CPC (Amendment) (Amendment Act) 2007 have been amendment in hope that a better police force with better services and efficiency towards the public in ensuring safety to the community.
Interview with Mr. Edmund Bon was indeed a fruitful one where they are few things that need to consider and change to the current Red Book that will give great benefit to the public in ensuring their rights.
A. Remand periods and applications before the Magistrate[40]
For offences with imprisonment of 14 years or less, the detention shall not be more than four days on the first application and shall not be more than three days on the second application; or for offences with imprisonment of 14 years or more or punishable by death, it’s the detention shall not be more than seven days on the first application and shall not be more than seven days on the second application.[41]
Magistrate therefore must take into account period of prior detention and must allow representation by detainee himself or by counsel.[42]
B. Section 113 Caution Statement
In the new amendment, the caution statement has been abolished. No statement made to the police during investigation shall be used in evidence. This can be quote from the interview done with Edmund Bon where[43];
“The abolishment of section 113 caution statement is important because it reduces the power of the police to detain suspect for the purpose of taking statements from them. This move came in light of the numerous allegations that the police have been abusing and beating the suspects in order that they confess to their alleged crime. Upon confession, it will be reduced into the 113 caution statement in writing and then tendered in court. This therefore important to ensure suspects are not ill-treated and to ensure that the police do not just trying to get the caution statement only and then wrap up the case which was how it was done pre-amendment.”[44]
C. Rights of person on arrest[45]
“Police must inform of grounds of arrest. Police must before questioning informs the person that he may communicate with relative and lawyer and the police must allow to do so. If the person has requested for a lawyer, police must allow reasonable time for a lawyer to meet and consult with that person. Consultation must be done within sight of the police but not within hearing. Police must defer questioning till consultation done and provided facilities for free.”[46]
There are however exceptions to this where if the police reasonably believes that this will allow accomplice to avoid apprehension or result in concealment, fabrication, destruction of evidence or intimidation of witness or having regards to the safety of others that the questioning is so urgent it cannot be delayed. For this to apply there must be an authorisation of this by an officer not below the rank of Deputy Supt of Police who must record grounds of belief that the conditions of the exceptions apply.[47]
Investigating Officer must comply with consultation etc (as above) as soon as possible after the conditions for exceptions have ceased to apply and detainee still in remand.
The Red Book was created to ensure and to educate the layman on the basic fundamental rights. The book is not meant to go against the police force as said by Bar Representative Roger Tan Kor Mee said it would be convenient for the police if members of the public knew their rights.
“Our aim is not to work against the police but to educate the public so that they will be more conscious of their rights and co-operate with the police,”[48]
I am of the opinion that the Red Book will help to smooth the process of criminal procedure between the police and public and this could avoid misunderstanding between them. The issue of whether this book is against the police is irrelevant. This must be taken on board positively where the police force needs to strive to improve better. This is said by Datuk Nazri
“…..the citizens of this country will also help to move the process of reform along if they are aware of their rights. It is unfortunate that most people are completely ignorant of their rights. They do not have the slightest idea of what the police can or cannot do……..The greatest defence of civil liberties is a citizenry that is conscious of its rights….. while institutional change is extremely important it is also important that we empower our citizens to stand up for their rights. An individual who is aware of his rights and is prepared to exert them will in all likelihood receive better treatment by a detaining authority than an individual who is ignorant and prepared to accept any form of treatment meted out.”[49]
With the birth of this Red Book, we hope that many will be able to understand their right better to strive into a better nation in respecting human rights.
[1] The main objectives of this group is to create justice for victims of police abuse in Malaysia where they involved in legal action to help redress violations of human rights by the Malaysian police against persons under their control.
[2] Article from the Bar Council website dated 20th April 2007 by Cindy Goh Joo Seong and Will Fung Jui Seng.
[3] Interview with Edmund Bon on a recording file (Committee member, Human Rights Committee of the Bar Council) on 14th September 2007.
[4] Act 593.
[5] Refer to Appendix A on the paragraph 1 of the Red Book.
[6] Article from the Bar Council website dated 29th August 2007 by Richard Wee Thiam Seng with permission from The Sun.
[7] Refer to Paragraph 2.1 and 2.2 of The Red Book
[8] Ibid.
[9] Article from the Bar Council website dated 29th August 2007 by Richard Wee Thiam Seng with permission from The Sun.
[10] Refer to paragraph 3.1 of the Red Book.
[11] Refer to paragraph 3.2 of the Red Book.
[12] Article from the Bar Council website dated 29th August 2007 by Richard Wee Thiam Seng with permission from The Sun.
[13] Ibid.
[14] Ibid.
[15] For brief information, refer to paragraph 3.3 of the Red Book.
[16] Interview with lawyers from Legal Aid Centre of Kuala Lumpur dated 12 September unrecorded.
[17] See paragraph 3.4 of the Red Book.
[18] Article from the Bar Council website dated 29th August 2007 by Richard Wee Thiam Seng with permission from The Sun.
[19] Ibid.
[20] Ibid.
[21] Refer to paragraph 4.4 of the Red Book.
[22] Article from the Bar Council website dated 29th August 2007 by Richard Wee Thiam Seng with permission from The Sun.
[23] Refer to paragraph 5 for details on right a person have during detention.
[24] Article from the Bar Council website dated 29th August 2007 by Richard Wee Thiam Seng with permission from The Sun.
[25] This section has been amended which will be discuss in the later part of this assignment.
[26] Article from the Bar Council website dated 29th August 2007 by Richard Wee Thiam Seng with permission from The Sun.
[27] This however has been amendment with the new Amendment of the CPC recently which will be discussed at the later part.
[28] Article from the Bar Council website dated 29th August 2007 by Richard Wee Thiam Seng with permission from The Sun.
[29] Ibid.
[30] Ibid.
[31] Ibid.
[32] See paragraph 7.3 of the Red Book
[33] Refer to paragraph 8 of the Red Book.
[34] Article from the Bar Council website dated 29th August 2007 by Richard Wee Thiam Seng with permission from The Sun.
[35] See paragraph 9.3 of the Red Book.
[36] See paragraph 9.4 of the Red Book.
[37] Refer to paragraph 3.3 and 3.4 of the Red Book.
[38] Refer to paragraph 9.5 of the Red Book.
[39] This has however will be change as to the new amendment of the Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Act 2006.
[40] Interview with Edmund Bon on a recording file (Committee member, Human Rights Committee of the Bar Council) on 14th September 2007.
[41] Refer to section 17 of A1274 (Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) Act 2006).
[42] Ibid.
[43] Interview with Edmund Bon on a recording file (Committee member, Human Rights Committee of the Bar Council) on 14th September 2007.
[44] There are however still few exceptions to the section where reference can be done to section 7 of A1304 (Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) (Amendment) Act 2006.
[45] Refer to section 5 of A1304 (Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) (Amendment) Act 2006.
[46] Interview with Edmund Bon on a recording file (Committee member, Human Rights Committee of the Bar Council) on 14th September 2007.
[47] Refer to section 5 of A1304 (Criminal Procedure Code (Amendment) (Amendment) Act 2006.
[48] Article from the Bar Council website dated 22nd May 2006 by Anuradha Raghu with permission from The Star.
[49] Article from the Bar Council website dated 20th April 2006 by Cindy Goh Joo Seong & Will Fung Jui Seng.
==================== End Article =====
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